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GTUG Campout Worldwide, 13 August

Am 13ten August findet der weltweite GTUG Campout statt:

GTUG Campout is an annual weekend-long event where Google Technology User Group members have an opportunity to design, develop, and demo a complete application over the course of three days. This year, the theme will be HTML5. The event kicks off on Friday, August 13th, where ideas and teams will come together. Teams will then have the rest of the weekend to build their HTML5 applications before presenting their work to the public on Sunday evening.

Auch in deiner Stadt. Wenn nicht, kontaktiere deine lokale GTUG oder gründe doch einfach deine eigene UserGroup und umgib dich mit coolen RockstarDevelopern.

Auf Anfrage helfe ich gerne bei Aufbau, Organisation und Locationsuche.

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