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It’s so nice to see new alternatives for remote-3D-printer control pop up on every corner within the …

Someone suggested to implement a Pushrod to clean the printing bed after the print without damaging the nozzle

Florian Horsch:

It's so nice to see new alternatives for remote-3D-printer control pop up on every corner within the last days and weeks:

– printerface: https://github.com/w-A-L-L-e/printerface (via +Mike Hatalski)
– matterQ: http://matterq.org/doku.php?id=start (via +Gary Hodgson & my own RSS feeds: http://builders.reprap.org/2012/11/i-thought-it-about-time-i-show-off.html)

As well as the very beautiful botqueue.com by +Zach Hoeken.

Good times ahead! First two are #raspberrypi powered by default and the botqueue client should also run on the pi…

Let's get your printer farms running! Connect them – go crazy ;)


printerface – Web interface for reprap’s, makerbot’s, ultimakers attached to a raspberry pi with usb interface / pronsole

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